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5 Recruitment Lessons from Beyoncé

You could say that Beyoncé is an icon...

And if you did, you would be right!

Now, I’m sure a lot of you would agree that so many lyrics we hear in modern music today can really relate to our everyday life.

Today I’m going to use Beyoncé’s lyrics to provide a little bit of insight into the world of recruitment!

       1. Mistakes 

Shine the light on whatever's worse
Perfection is the disease of a nation,

- Pretty Hurts

It’s okay to make mistakes. They are very evident in this industry, yes. However, what makes a strong recruiter is the drive it takes to get up and try again! Don’t make the same mistake twice, and learn from those that you make. Perseverance and resilience are two skills that are essential to survive in recruitment.

       2. Make Your Mark

I will leave my mark so everyone will know
I was here

- I was here

It’s important to make your mark. Find a way to stand out from every other recruiter. Ask yourself, why would a candidate request your services or trust in the knowledge you provide to them? 

       3. Positivity

Anybody ever had an era, when things could've been better
But the Universe lifts that weight
Then you shine like a new feather, blessings on blessings, et cetra
Feeling like the best year ever

- Nice

We have good weeks, and we have bad weeks. There are days where you will feel absolutely deflated, but you keep pushing through until you meet that amazing candidate, or you make that placement you’ve been working on for weeks. That feeling of satisfaction is something not many jobs can provide you with.

      4. Confidence

Some call it arrogant 
I call it confident

- Ego

At Kennedy Reid, we pride ourselves on our industry knowledge. We know our stuff and use it to find the best possible jobs for our candidates and the best possible candidates for our clients. In this area of work, it’s important to acknowledge your accomplishments, so don’t be afraid to claim your confidence and celebrate proudly! 

       5. Girl Power

Who run the world?

- Run the World (Girls)

This is one of my personal favourites.

I may be a little biased as our Kennedy Reid office is filled with plenty of powerful women, but it takes a special kind of woman to do what we do. We support each other through the hard times and celebrate through all our successes.

Kennedy Reid female team

Unfortunately, I’m not Beyoncé (I know, shocking!), but I hope this gives you a small glimpse into our fabulous world.

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